Upon Which Sūtra Can Women Depend?

Grand Master T’ien-t’ai is a Chinese priest who appeared in this world as a messenger of the Buddha 1,500 years or so after the passing away of the Buddha. He wrote commentaries on the Lotus Sūtra, as many as 30 fascicles. In the seventh fascicle of his Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sūtra, T’ien-t’ai states that various sūtras other than the Lotus Sūtra preach the attainment of Buddhahood only by men, not by women. Truthfully speaking, even men cannot become Buddhas through those sūtras, but let us concede for now that they can. Even then it is stated in all those sūtras that women will never become Buddhas. Even if thousands or tens of thousands sūtras allow women to become Buddhas, if this Lotus Sūtra does not allow them to become Buddhas, what can they depend on?

Zemmui-shō, Treatise on Śubhākarasiṃha, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 55