Three Types of Sullied Pride

What are the three types of sullied pride for the three types of people who have no defilements? They are referred to as the three biased beliefs. What are these three? 1) The belief that the various vehicles are different, 2) the belief that the conventional world and nirvana are different, and 3) the belief that the bodies [of the Buddha] are different. It should be known that [the Buddha] has explained the three equalities as the antidotes to [those who possess] these three types of sullied pride.

What are the three equalities and what do they remedy? 1) The equality of the vehicles means that the disciples receive the prediction of enlightenment since there are not two vehicles, only the single Great Vehicle, and this vehicle is equal and undifferentiated. 2) The equality of the conventional world and nirvana means that in accordance with Prabhūtaratna Tathāgata being in [final] nirvana [even while appearing in the world], the conventional world and nirvana are equal and undifferentiated. 3) The equality of the bodies [of the Buddha] means that although Prabhūtaratna Tathāgata had already entered [final] nirvana, he manifested his body since his own body, the other bodies, and the absolute body [of all the buddhas] are equal and undifferentiated. Thus, the three types of people with sullied pride but no defilements who see this and the other bodies make distinctions and do not understand that the buddha-nature and the absolute body are equal. These people think they have realized the Dharma although they have not. It should be known that as a counteragent to this, the disciples are given a prediction [of their enlightenment].

Vasubandhu's Commentary on the Lotus Sutra, p 140