Three Paths and Two Outcomes

Q: Why do those of the two vehicles sever their bonds in this life and quickly attain the fruit of the Path, but Bodhisattvas do not yet sever their bonds while traversing from their first aspiration to the stage of conquering evil and do not attain the fruit of the Path quickly?

A: Those of the two vehicles contemplate the Four Noble Truths and Twelvefold Conditioned Co-arising and thus grow weary of the cycle of birth and death, seek Nirvāṇa on their own, and prepare themselves for their own salvation. Therefore they sever their bonds first and attain the fruit [of the Path] in this life. The Bodhisattva has compassion and thus puts [the benefits of] others first and himself last. For three incalculable aeons he cultivates the Six Perfections; therefore he does not attain the fruit quickly.

Tendai Lotus School Teachings, p 28