This Fantastic Ability to be Creative

These kinds of stories are like invitations to unfreeze our imagination, our creativity, so that we too might be empowered through them to make use of the power that is within us to be the Buddha, which means nothing more or less than being representatives of Shakyamuni Buddha in this world by practicing, like him, the bodhisattva way.

The purpose of the enchantment is in part to have us know not only intellectually that we have buddha-nature, but also to have us know it physically, in our very muscles and bones. We can become the hands and feet of, the very body of, the Buddha. We are empowered by the Lotus Sutra to take charge of our lives, so that the world will be a better place because of our choices and our actions. In this way, the Dharma Flower Sutra, chanted and studied and embraced, can give us fantastic power, helping us to realize that we too have this fantastic ability to be creative, to use our imaginations and our energy to make ourselves and those around us, that is the entire world, a bit better than it would be otherwise.

The Stories of the Lotus Sutra, p27-28