The Young Ascetic In The Himalayas

There lived a man named Young Ascetic in the Himalayas, who mastered the Brahman dharma in the Himalayas, but had never learned of Buddhism. One day an evil spirit appeared and said to him, “Everything in the universe is impermanent. This is the law of birth and death.” Revealing only the first half (eight characters) of the verse, the demon left the second half unsaid. Although Young Ascetic was glad to hear the first half of the verse, he felt as though he had been given only half of a wish-fulfilling gem or a tree that flowers without bearing fruits. So, he requested the demon to reveal the remaining half of the verse. The evil spirit responded: “I have not eaten anything for several days. I am starving so my mind is too troubled to tell the rest of it to you. Give me something to eat first.”

Young Ascetic asked, “What do you eat?”

“I eat living human flesh and blood. Since I can fly freely, I flew around the world in a flash looking for food. However, there was none to be found as I cannot kill innocent people because the gods protect them,” said the evil spirit.

Young Ascetic replied, “I will offer you my body, so tell me the remainder of the verse.”

“You are clever. Is this some kind of trick you intend to deceive me with?” the evil spirit replied.

“Young Ascetic said, ‘If someone offers you to exchange your trash for gold, wouldn’t you do it? If I die in this mountain, the birds and beasts will eat me so there won’t be any merit in my body. But if I can exchange my body for your teaching, it will be like exchanging excrement for food.’

“I’m still suspicious of your intentions,” said the evil spirit.

“I will call King Mahābrahman, Indra, Sun Deity, Moon Deity and the Four Heavenly Kings,” said Young Ascetic, “to be witnesses and pledge before them as Buddhas in the past have done.”

Finally, the evil spirit agreed to teach the rest of the verse. Young Ascetic removed his deerskin clothes, laid them on the ground, kneeled down placing his palms together in gasshō, and had the evil spirit sit on the seat. The evil spirit took his place on the seat and preached: “Extinguishing the cycles of birth and death, one is at ease and full of peace.”

Upon hearing the rest of the verse, Young Ascetic wrote it down on trees and rocks, then threw himself into the mouth of the evil spirit. This Young Ascetic is the current Śākyamuni Buddha and the evil spirit is Indra today.

Nichimyō Shōnin Gosho, A Letter to Nichimyō Shōnin, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Followers II, Volume 7, Page 137-138