The Ultimate Pursuit in Buddhism

The perfection of Buddhahood is the ultimate pursuit in Buddhism. According to Chih-i’s explanation, what the great nirvāṇa (adorned with the Three Virtuous Qualities) demonstrates concerns the constant abiding of the luminous dharma-nature characterized by constancy, bliss, self, and purity. The Track of Real Nature is identical to the Virtuous Quality of the Dharmakāya (Fa-shen-te), symbolizing the Buddha’s spiritual body, which is fully endowed with the principal nature of True Reality. The Track of the Illumination of Wisdom is identical to the Virtuous Quality of prajn͂ā (Po-jo-te), which is derived from the Buddha’s perfect wisdom. The Track of Accomplishment is identical to the Virtuous Quality of Liberation (Ch’ieh-t’uo-te) that is derived from the Buddha’s enlightenment, signifying neither contamination nor attachment of all Dharmas. (Vol. 2, Page 264)

The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism