The Truth of Suffering

The truth of suffering states that all existence — the twenty-five states of existence, six paths, and the triple world — is bound by the suffering of repeated rebirth. Consequently, suffering is the objective circumstance of all existence.

The twenty-five states of existence classify the world into twenty-five parts, outlined as follows:

The Four Evil Destinies

1. Hell-dwellers
2. Hungry ghosts
3. Animals
4. Fighting demons

The Four Continents

5. Pūravavideha in the east
6. Jambudvīpa in the south
7. Aparagodānīya in the west
8. Uttarakuru in the north

The Six Heavens of the Desire Realm

9. Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings
10. Heaven of the Thirty-three Gods
11. Heaven of Time
12. Heaven of Contentment
13. Heaven of Delight in Creation
14. Heaven of Controlling the Creations of Others

The Seven Heavens of the Form Realm, including the Four Heavens of Meditative Absorption

15. Heavens of Great Brahma
16. First Heaven of Meditative Absorption
17. Second Heaven of Meditative Absorption
18. Third Heaven of Meditative Absorption
19. Fourth Heaven of Meditative Absorption
20. Heaven of the Non-Percipient
21. Heavens of the Pure Abodes

The Four Formless Heavens

22. Heaven of Space
23. Heaven of Consciousness
24. Heaven of Nothingness
25. Heaven of Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception

All twenty-five of these realms exist within the triple world and the six paths. All beings will have different karma so each will have different joys and sorrows and therefore different experiences.

History and Teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, p 108-109