The True Nature of Reality

Ultimately, the Three Truths – Emptiness, Provisional Reality, and the Middle Way – are united in one vision of the true nature of reality. All three are different ways of explaining the insight of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha as taught in the Lotus Sutra. It is a vision of the dynamic and interdependent nature of all things. Living in harmony with the vision of the Three Truths means freedom from clinging, freedom to act compassionately in the world, and freedom from extremes. In past ages, this vision was only available to those with the ability to comprehend the many complex teachings of the sutras, or those with the ability to meditate for long hours – even for many lifetimes – in order to see for themselves the truth of the teachings. Nichiren Shonin, however, taught the simple practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo as the correct way to focus our minds upon the ultimate truth of the Buddha’s teachings with faith and joy. By following Nichiren Shonin’s instructions, our hearts and minds will receive an intuitive understanding of the Three Truths, and we will be able to live in harmony with them ourselves.

Lotus Seeds