The Threefold Track and the Triple Buddha-Nature

Third, the Threefold Track corresponds with the Triple Buddha-nature.
The Track of Real Nature is identical to the Buddha-nature as the Fundamental Cause of Buddhahood, which refers to the fact that all beings are endowed with the True Reality, for it is the inherent nature that determines one’s possibility to attain Buddhahood. The Track of the Illumination of Wisdom is identical to the Buddha-nature as the Understanding Cause of Buddhahood, which refers to the inherent potential for wisdom in all living beings, for it is wisdom that illuminates the inherent nature. The Track of Accomplishment is identical to the Buddha-nature as the Conditional Cause of Buddhahood, which refers to the inherent potential and disposition of living beings for Buddhahood that inspire them to carry out religious practices in order to increase their merits and virtues, and these merits and virtues are the conditions to give rise to the Buddha-nature as the Fundamental Cause of Buddhahood, since it is one’s potential that enables one to do wholesome deeds and to generate one’s wisdom. Chih-i claims that the identification of the Threefold Track and the Triple Buddha-nature is based on the principal nature of sentient beings, since they inherently possess such a nature. Nevertheless, this principle of nature is not manifested before practice, and one has to undertake practice to actualize this nature of Buddhahood. Recognizing that everyone possesses the Triple Buddha-nature secures one’s goal of striving for Buddhahood. (Vol. 2, Page 261-262)

The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism