I must confess a feeling of awe at my good fortune. At least the good fortune I have to be able to attend Nichiren Shu services. Many people who chant Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō must practice alone because they live far from established Nichiren Shu sanghas. What good fortune I have to live near the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church and to have inlaws within a short commute from the Rochester Shoeizan Enkyoji Buddhist Temple.
I’ve been in Churchville, New York, for a week and a half to help my wife care for her brother, who underwent major surgery, and her 90-year-old father, who fell while we were here and ended up under evaluation in a hospital.
While I’ve been in the area I’ve attended a Shodaigyo service with Shami Kanjo Grohman in Buffalo and attended a Tuesday night Shodaigyo in Rochester and today’s Higan service.
How precious is that third jewel, the Sangha.