The Shogunal Regent at Kamakura

The Shogunal Regent at Kamakura punished me twice. Publicly the second punishment was an exile, but actually he tried to behead me in secret. I was taken to the execution ground of Tatsunokuchi at midnight on the 12th day of the 9th month. Strangely, a shining ball like a moon came flying from Enoshima Island over to the head of the executioner. He was too scared to kill me. The confusion lasted for a while, so the execution did not take place that night. He might have tried to kill me in Sado, but the civil war broke out in Kamakura as I had predicted. A messenger came and my execution was cancelled. In the end I was pardoned. I am now living in this mountain.

Myōhō Bikuni Go-henji, A Reply to Nun Myōhō, Nyonin Gosho, Letters Addressed to Female Followers, Page 206-208