The School of Buddhism Established by the Buddha Himself

As I contemplate this, the One Vehicle teaching of the Lotus Sūtra is the golden words of the Three Buddhas (the Buddha, the Buddha of Many Treasures, and Buddhas in manifestation in all the worlds throughout the universe), the brightest jewel of the Lotus Sūtra that exceeds all sūtras, that have been preached, are being preached, and will be preached, and is supreme among all Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, it is preached in the Lotus Sūtra, “It is at the summit of all sūtras;” and “the Lotus Sūtra is the foremost.” Referring to the Lotus Sūtra as interpreted by Grand Master T’ien-t’ai, Grand Master Dengyō states in his Outstanding Principles of the Lotus Sūtra, “This is the school of Buddhism established by the Buddha Himself.”

Ōta Nyūdō-dono Gohenji, A Reply to Lay Priest Lord Ōta, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 6, Followers I, Page 36