‘The Renowned Object of Hatred’

The title of the Lotus of the Good Law sums up all these principles and practice of the Buddhas of origin and trace, and, to Nichiren, is the only remedy to procure the reform of the depraved state of the ‘latter age,’ in spite of all counteractions from existing poisons. The fourfold watchword set forth by Nichiren was the renowned object of hatred by all the rest of the Buddhist schools of Japan, for it was against the Amita-pietism of Jodo, the meditative intuitionism of Zen, the ritual mysticism of Shingon and the formalistic discipline of Ritsu. This was the wholesale denunciation of all existing Buddhist schools except the Tendai School of Dengyō Daishi, which he sought to reform and restore to its original form.

The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, p184