The Realm of Practice

Although it is well known that Nichiren established the Nichiren sect based on the Lotus Sutra, it should be noted that he was the first to emphasize the third realm, which stresses the need to practice the true law and endure life’s trials. The repeated sufferings of Nichiren, such as his exile to Izu at age forty and his exile to Sado at age fifty, became turning points and helped him to understand the third realm of the Lotus Sutra. He compared himself to the bodhisattva martyrs mentioned in the sutra. In particular, he compared himself to the bodhisattva Eminent Conduct and other bodhisattvas who sprang up from the earth. Surviving writings from Nichiren’s days of exile in Izu show that he started to quote from the third realm of the Lotus Sutra at that time, and this led to the development of ideas that are unique to Nichiren.

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