The Protection of Heavenly Beings

Heavenly beings without fail protect those who observe the precepts and practice the virtuous deeds. This is because if human beings do not observe the precepts and practice the virtuous deeds, many of them will be reborn in the realm of asura upon death. If those in the realm of asura increase in population, they will grow so arrogant that they will certainly invade the realm of heavenly beings. When human beings observe precepts and practice the virtuous conducts, they will be reborn in the realm of heaven upon death. If the realm of heavenly beings increases in population, asura demons become frightened of the heavenly realm and will not dare to invade it. This is the reason why heavenly beings never fail to protect those who keep precepts and perform good deeds. How much more so with the Two Vehicles, who are superior in dignity and wiser in wisdom to those in the lower six realms! How can they abandon practicers of the Lotus Sūtra, as it was the sūtra through which they were able to attain Buddhahood?

Kitō Shō, Treatise on Prayers, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 59-60