The Power of Good to Pardon Evil

In any event, no matter how evil the parent, his transgression may be forgiven if his child is a good person. Likewise, if a child is evil, his crime may be pardoned if his parent is virtuous. Therefore, even though the late Yashirō may have committed sins, when you, his true mother, say prayers for him day and night in front of the altar of Śākyamuni Buddha, he will surely attain Buddhahood. Moreover, since he believed in the Lotus Sūtra during his lifetime, he must have certainly attained Buddhahood by now and has become one to lead his mother to Buddhahood.

Kōnichi-bō Gosho, A Letter to Nun Kōnichi, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Biography and Disciples, Volume 5, Pages 53