The Personality of the Buddha

Just as the personality of Nichiren constitutes the Nichiren School, the essence of which is the Lotus formula ”Homage to the Lotus of Truth,” so it is the personality of the Buddha that constitutes the Lotus doctrine. The whole Lotus text may be a drama as Professor Kern imagined, but the Buddha is not only the hero in the play. The Buddha is also the organizer or proprietor of the drama. The Truth of the Lotus text is not an impersonal dead truth; it is the ideal, the Truth blooming, fragrant and bearing fruits as the lotus, the Truth active, the Truth embodied in the Buddha, the Truth-body, the Enlightenment itself, the Enlightened and Enlightenment and Enlightener all combined. So the real Buddha of the text is not that corporeal Buddha who got enlightened under the bodhi tree, preached for the first time at the Deer Park of Benares and entered Nirvana at the Sala grove of Kuśināgara at eighty-one years of age. He is the Buddha of immeasurable ages past, ever acting as the Enlightener. By enlightening all beings he exercises benevolence to all. Out of his mercy he teaches the doctrine of expediency. He is in reality the organizer of the drama, yet he himself acts as a hero in the play, leading all the dramatic personnel, even with some of the inferior characters who in time will be able to play a role. The three Vehicles, of course, as well as Devadatta the wicked and Naga the serpent maid, all come under the Buddha’s illumination. The world of illumination of the remote Buddha is called the ‘realm of origin’ and the world of illumination by the incarnate Buddha is called the ‘realm of trace.’ I used the word ‘realm’ but it does not mean a separate division or place. It simply indicates the ‘activity of the Buddha of original position’ or ‘that of the Buddha of trace-leaving manifestation. ‘Original position’ and ‘trace-manifestation’ are the problems long discussed in the Lotus schools and all center on the Buddha’s personality, a Buddhological question. When it is applied to the Lotus text, the question at the outset will be, “Which Buddha is revealing the Truth?”

The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, p181-182