The Merit of Saving the Practicer of the Lotus Sūtra

As Śākyamuni Buddha also states, suppose there lives a person in the Latter Age of Degeneration, when the world is in confusion and the ruler as well as the ruled united in one mind look on a practicer of the Lotus Sūtra as an enemy forcing the practicer to be like a fish in a drought-stricken body of water or a deer surrounded by 10,000 hunters. Suppose this person single-handedly tries to save the practicer, his merit would be even greater than if he were to serve the living Śākyamuni Buddha bodily, verbally, and mentally for as long as one kalpa (aeon). This is a maxim of Śākyamuni Buddha. As the sun shines brilliantly and the moon clearly, characters of the Lotus Sūtra are brilliantly clear like seeing our own faces in a clear mirror or the moon reflecting upon clear water.

Nanjō-dono Gohenji, Reply to Lord Nanjō, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 7, Followers II, Page 16