The Melting Pot of the Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra is not a scholarly work for specialists. It is more of a popular work with universal appeal that can be applied in practice. As we read the Lotus Sutra, we see how it has inherited the essence and the ideas of the Mahayana sutras that preceded it. For example, it has inherited the teachings of emptiness from the Prajn͂āpāramitā sutras, the teachings of the multiple layers of causation from the Avatamsaka Sutra, and the idea of the liberation that goes beyond all conceptualization from the Vimalakirtinirdesha. However, the way the Lotus Sutra presents these ideas is not academic. The Lotus Sutra takes Buddhism forward an enormous step because of its universal appeal and practical nature. The strength of the Lotus Sutra lies in its ability to present deep teachings in a clear way that is easy to understand and applicable to all walks of life.

Peaceful Action, Open Heart, p23-24