I immensely enjoyed the Kaji Kito purification ceremony today. Ven. Kenjo Igarashi offered an explanation of the aragyo ascetic practice and the grueling nature of the 100-day trial – little sleep, cold showers, watery porridge and lots and lots of chanting. Days of chanting at first seek to clear the bad karma of the priest. Then days of chanting seek give the priest the merits to take on bad karma of church members when performing the Kaji Kito purification. It was compassion toward church members, not personal aggrandizement, that prompted Rev. Igarashi to undergo the 100-day aragyo ascetic practice five separate times.
During his talk and prior to the service in a conversation with me and another member, Rev. Igarashi discussed a misconception about the mandala Gohonzon perpetuated by SGI. I’ll paraphrase:
You don’t just walk in and ask for a Gohonzon. The priest is not a salesman in a store handing out Gohonzons. Your practice of Nichiren Buddhism, reciting the Lotus Sutra and chanting Odaimoku, activate the mandala Gohonzon of your life. The sacred object is not outside; it is within. Attending services, practicing at home, participating in the church and becoming a member of the church are all more important. It is when you finally understand that the outward manifestation of the mandala Gohonzon is only a reflection of your inner self that you can receive one.
The mandala Gohonzon is not “a happiness machine,” Rev. Igarashi said.