The Lotus Sūtra also states that Śākyamuni Buddha enters the spirit of people who support a practicer of the sūtra in the Latter Age of the Decadent Dharma. When a stingy person drinks alcohol, for instance, he feels like giving something to others. It is that a bodhisattva has entered the drunken person in the Realm of Hungry Spirits through the bond of alcohol. When we put a jewel in dirty water, the water becomes clear; and when we see the moon, we feel romantic. A devil’s picture looks threatening even if it has no mind; while a portrait of beauty looks enticing. Nobody wants to wear brocaded clothes with a picture of snakes. When a body feels hot, it doesn’t want warm air. The human mind works the same; it changes depending on conditions. When you wanted to donate a robe to me, a dragon daughter expounded in the 12th chapter of the Lotus Sūtra entered you.
Myōhō Bikuni Go-henji, A Reply to Nun Myōhō, Nyonin Gosho, Letters Addressed to Female Followers, Page 222