The Great Harvest of the Lotus Sūtra

[S]uppose Śākyamuni Buddha alone changed His mind, after the Buddha of Many Treasures and Buddhas in manifestation throughout the universe returned to their respective worlds as preached in the twenty-second chapter on “Transmission,” and preached the Nirvana Sūtra declaring that the Lotus Sūtra is inferior to the Nirvana Sūtra. Who would believe this?

With this deeply in mind, I perused the ninth fascicle of the Nirvana Sūtra. It preaches amplification of the Lotus Sūtra, “Just as fruit will profit all living beings and bring about much comfort in life to them, the appearance of this Nirvana Sūtra will reveal the Buddha-nature inherent in people. Just as the guarantee of future Buddhahood granted to 8,000 śrāvaka in the Lotus Sūtra is like the bearing of huge fruit, after the harvest in autumn and stockpiling for winter the Nirvana Sūtra has nothing to do except gleaning.” According to this passage, if the Lotus Sūtra is a false teaching, is not the Nirvana Sūtra also false? It is clearly stated here that the Lotus Sūtra is like a great harvest while the Nirvana Sūtra is a gleaning. Thus, the Nirvana Sūtra declares itself to be inferior to the Lotus Sūtra. There is no mistake about the words of the Lotus Sūtra, chapter 10, “Teacher of the Dharma,” stating that it is superior even to the sūtras to be expounded, the Nirvana Sūtra .

Shugo Kokka-ron, Treatise on Protecting the Nation, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 1, Page 70-71