The Doctrine of Attainment of Buddhahood by Women

Lord Śākyamuni Buddha repeatedly states that of the sūtras preached by the Buddha in His lifetime, those preached during the first forty years or so do not reveal the truth. He denigrates such sūtras as the Nirvana Sūtra as sūtras to be preached later and defines the Sūtra of Infinite Meaning as the one being preached at present. The Buddha preaches in this Lotus Sūtra that it is the supreme teaching of all the teachings preached in the past, being preached at present, and those to be preached in the future: “Honestly discarding the expedient teachings, He preached only the supreme way;” and “After preaching the provisional teaching for many years, He will inevitably preach the true teaching.”

Then the Buddha of Many Treasures of the Treasure Purity World emerged from the great earth, attesting to the truth of the Lotus Sūtra. Numerous Buddhas in manifestation from all the worlds throughout the universe all stretched their long and wide tongues touching the Brahma Heaven to prove the truthfulness of the words of the Buddha. The tongues of those manifestation Buddhas as numerous as the number of dust-particles produced by all the worlds throughout the universe were reborn on the red lotus flowers with eight petals due to the merit of observing the precept of not telling a lie. Thus, the doctrine of attainment of Buddhahood by women is proved to be true by Buddhas, not one, two, three, ten or one hundred Buddhas but one thousand, tens of thousands, millions of Buddhas, or numerous Buddhas filling the four hundred, tens of thousands, million, nayuta worlds.

Zemmui-shō, Treatise on Śubhākarasiṃha, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Faith and Practice, Volume 4, Page 55