The Compassion of the Buddhas

QUESTION: The compassion of the Buddhas is like the moon in heaven. As the moon reflects its shadow on water whenever it is calm, Buddhas should grant favors wherever the capacity of the people for comprehension is clear. Nevertheless, it seems unfair for the Buddha to say that His secret dharmas will be revealed only in the Latter Age of Degeneration among the three ages following His death. What do you think of it?

ANSWER: Although the moonlight of Buddhas’ compassion brightens the darkness of the people in the nine realms of spiritual development, from hell at the bottom up to the realm of bodhisattvas, it does not reflect upon the muddy water of slanderers of the True Dharma and of those who have no goodness in mind (icchantika).

Hinayāna and expedient Mahāyāna teachings are suited to the capacity of those in the 1,000-year Age of the True Dharma. The teaching of the theoretical section in the first half of the Lotus Sūtra is suitable for those in the 1,000-year Age of the Semblance Dharma. The first 500-years in the Latter Age of Degeneration, however, is the time when “The Life Span of the Buddha” chapter in the essential section of the Lotus Sūtra should be taught solely, and the other 13 chapters should be set aside. It is because the doctrine in the chapter matches the capacity of the people.

Sandai Hiho Honjo-ji, The Transmission of the Three Great Secret Dharmas, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 2, Page 287-288