The 37 Requisites of Awakening

[The thirty-seven requisites of awakening] are grouped into seven categories:

I. Four Foundations of Mindfulness

(1) Observing that form is impure
(2) Observing that feeling is suffering
(3) Observing mind’s impermanence
(4) Observing that phenomena, i.e. dharmas, have no-self

II. Four Right Efforts

(5) Prevent unwholesome states that have not yet arisen
(6) Overcome unwholesome states that have already arisen
(7) Generate wholesome states that have not yet arisen
(8) Maintain wholesome states that have already arisen

III. Four Bases of Psychic Power

(9) Will
(10) Energy
(11) Thought
(12) Investigation

IV. Five Faculties

(13) Faith
(14) Energy
(15) Mindfulness
(16) Concentration
(17) Wisdom

V. Five Powers
(These are the same as the Five Faculties in name, but are active, manifesting in the form of actions.)

(18) Faith
(19) Energy
(20) Mindfulness
(21) Concentration
(22) Wisdom

VI. Seven Factors of Awakening

(23) Mindfulness
(24) Investigation of states
(25) Energy
(26) Rapture
(27) Tranquility
(28) Concentration
(29) Equanimity

VII. Eightfold Noble Path

(30) Right view
(31) Right intention
(32) Right speech
(33) Right action
(34) Right livelihood
(35) Right effort
(36) Right mindfulness
(37) Right concentration

History and Teachings of Nichiren Buddhism, p 112-113