Tao-sheng: Expedient Means

In the past [the Buddha] has hidden [his teaching proper] within the traces of the three vehicles, which his followers [mistakenly] regarded as the teaching proper. Now [the Buddha] wishes to reveal the One reality, showing what is true and right. Because he clarifies what is right by means of what is wrong, this chapter is titled “Expedient Devices.” As the previous three vehicles are indicated as expedient devices, the One reality is clearly postulated here and, though how it is so is not mentioned, it is self-evident. If it is titled “One Vehicle,” li will look like one. Hence, [the chapter] is referred to as Expedient Devices, and yet it is still expressive of ‘the realm [of the One reality] which only superlative description (or praise) may befit’ (or the ‘ineffable realm’).

Tao-sheng Commentary on the Lotus Sutra, p185