Suffering and Nirvana

The radical Mahayana principle that “the sufferings of birth and death are themselves Nirvana” is another application of the Buddhist teaching of non-duality. This principle indicates that the ultimate goal is not outside of the world but is instead the real aspect of the world’s kaleidoscopic array of ever-changing aspects.

Specifically, “the sufferings of birth and death” refers to this world, wherein we must endure the constant cycle of birth and death. It is the world of temporary heavens, fighting demons, hungry ghosts, unthinking animals, numerous hells, and also the daily challenges of ordinary life. It is the world of karmic rewards and punishments. It is the world dominated and kept in perpetual motion through the energy of greed, hatred, and delusion. It is the world where all that is born to life must also die, with all of the suffering and loss this entails.

Lotus Seeds