Subtleties in the Traces and the Origin

According to Chih-i’s interpretation of the Lotus Sūtra, the identities of the Ten Subtleties in the Traces can be traced back to the Ten Subtleties in the Origin. In view of the Origin that indicates the Buddha’s initial practice as the cause of Buddhahood and the Buddha’s initial enlightenment as the effect of Buddhahood in an incalculable past, what Chih-i stresses is that the Origin is the fundamental source for all the activities of the Buddha in the Traces. Therefore, the Ten Subtleties in the Traces are related to the Ten Subtleties in the Origin, given that both groups of the Ten Subtleties express the cause and effect of Buddhahood. (Vol. 2, Page 318)

The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra: Tien-tai Philosophy of Buddhism