Śrimālā: Three Kinds of Good Sons and Daughters

Queen Śrimālā said to the Buddha, “The three kinds of good sons and daughters who, within the most profound meaning [of the Dharma], have separated themselves from injury [to the Dharma], produce great merits, entering the path of the Mahayana. What are the three [kinds of good sons and daughters]? They are those good sons and daughters who 1) develop their own Wisdom of the most profound Dharma, 2) develop the subsequent wisdom of the Dharma [that is based upon the illumination of faith], and 3) revere the Lord though they do not completely understand the most profound Dharma.

“What is known only by the Buddhas is not our realm. These [above-mentioned] are called the good sons and daughters who revere the Tathāgata. Only these are the good sons and daughters.”

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p55-56