Śrimālā: One Vehicle of the Mahayana

“O Lord, those who first attained that stage [of nirvana] were not ignorant of the Dharma and were not dependent upon others. They also knew they had attained the stages with remainder [through their own efforts], and would inevitably attain supreme, complete enlightenment (anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhi). Why? Because the Śrāvaka (disciple) and pratyekabuddha vehicles are included in the Mahayana. The Mahayana is the Buddha vehicle. Therefore, the three vehicles are the One Vehicle.

“Those who attain the One Vehicle attain supreme, complete enlightenment. Supreme, complete enlightenment is the realm of nirvana. The realm of nirvana is the Dharma body of the Tathāgata. Attaining the absolute Dharma body is [attaining] the absolute One Vehicle. The Tathāgata is not different from the Dharma body. The Tathāgata is identical to the Dharma body. If one attains the absolute Dharma body then one attains the absolute One Vehicle. The absolute [One Vehicle] is unlimited and unceasing.

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p36