Śrimālā: Depending Upon the Mahayana

“O Lord, acceptance of the True Dharma is [acceptance of] the Mahayana. Why? Because the Mahayana brings forth all the good acts of the world and of the transcendental, of the disciples and of the pratyekabuddhas. O Lord, just as the eight great rivers flow from Lake Anavatapta, so likewise all the good acts of the world and of the transcendental, of the disciples and of the pratyekabuddhas, emerge from the Mahayana.

“O Lord, moreover, just as all seeds are able to grow [only] when they depend upon the earth, so likewise all the good acts of the world, of the transcendental, of the disciples, and of the pratyekabuddhas are able to increase [only] when they depend upon the Mahayana. Therefore, O Lord, abiding in the Mahayana, one accepts Mahayana—this is identical with abiding in the two vehicles and accepting all the good acts of the world, of the transcendental, and of the two vehicles.

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p29