Śrimālā: Defilement in a Mind Inherently Pure

When Queen Śrimālā had explained the difficulties in comprehending [the inherently pure mind’s defilement], she was questioned by the Buddha. The Buddha, with extreme joy, praised her, “Yes, it is so! It is so! The fact that there is defilement in a mind that is inherently pure is difficult to comprehend. There are two subjects that are difficult to completely comprehend. They are the mind that is inherently pure and the fact that this [same] mind has been contaminated by defilements. These two subjects can be heard by you and the bodhisattva mahāsattvas who have the great Dharma. The others, namely, the disciples, can only believe through the Buddha’s words. “

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p54