Śrimālā: Becoming The Dharma Mother

“Moreover, acceptance of the True Dharma is like the great earth that supports four weights. What are the four? The great seas, the mountains, vegetation, and living beings. Similarly, like that great earth, good sons and daughters who accept the True Dharma build the great earth and carry four responsibilities. Who are the four?

  1. Living beings who have parted from good friends either have not heard [the Dharma] or are without the Dharma. By advising them to cultivate the good deeds of humans and gods, [good sons and daughters] prepare them [for entering the path].
  2. For those who want to be disciples (śrāvakas) they present the disciple vehicle.
  3. For those who want to be pratyekabuddhas (solitary enlightened ones) they present the pratyekabuddha vehicle.
  4. For those who want to be [followers of the Great Vehicle], they present the Mahayana.

“These are the good sons and good daughters who accept the True Dharma, build the great earth, and carry the four responsibilities.

“Therefore, Lord, good sons and daughters who accept the True Dharma, build the great earth, and carry the four responsibilities become friends without being asked for the sake of all living beings. In their great compassion, they comfort and sympathize with living beings and become the Dharma mother of the world.”

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p22-23