Śrimālā: Acceptance of the True Dharma

At that time Queen Śrimālā said to the Buddha, “Having received the Buddha’s power, I will now explain the great vow which is controlled [by the principle of the True Dharma], being the truth without error.”

The Buddha said to Śrimālā, “I permit you to explain as you wish.”

Śrimālā said to the Buddha, “The bodhisattva vows, which are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, are all contained in the one great vow that is called ‘acceptance of the True Dharma.’ Acceptance of the True Dharma truly is the great vow.”

The Buddha praised Śrimālā: “Excellent! Excellent! Your wisdom (prajña) and skillful means (upāya) are most profound and subtle! You have already, for a long time, increased in virtue. In the future, living beings who develop such virtue will be able to understand you. Your explanation of the acceptance of the True Dharma is that which the Buddhas of the past, present, and future have explained, now explain, and will explain. Having realized supreme, complete enlightenment (anuttarā samyaksaṃbodhi), I also speak of this acceptance of the True Dharma. I explain that acceptance of the True Dharma has merits that cannot be limited. The Tathāgata’s wisdom and eloquence also are without limits. Why? Because in this acceptance of the True Dharma there are great merits and great benefits.”

The Sutra of Queen Śrimālā of the Lion’s Roar, p21