Solely Due to the Teachings of Śākyamuni Buddha

Why can I say that [the Japanese people unintentionally have become the enemies of Śākyamuni Buddha]? The Lotus Sūtra states: “The whole world of the unenlightened is My domain. All beings living therein are My own children. Yet this place is filled with much great suffering. There is no one but I who can save all beings.” It means that Śākyamuni is the lord, the master, and the father of all the people in Japan. Even gods and kings during the reigns of seven generations of heavenly gods, five generations of earthly gods, and ninety generations of emperors are servants of Śākyamuni Buddha; and of course, ordinary people, who are servants of those gods and kings, are also His servants. All fields, mountains, rivers, oceans, trees, and grass in Japan today are the property of Śākyamuni Buddha. None belongs to Medicine-Master Buddha, Amida Buddha, or Buddhas of other domains. The heavenly gods, earthly gods, ninety generations of emperors, and all living beings are children of Śākyamuni Buddha. It is due to the teachings of Śākyamuni Buddha that heavenly and earthly gods, and rulers and subjects of Japan can distinguish between heaven and earth, water and fire, father and mother, lord and servants, man and woman, parents and children, and black and white. It is not due to the teachings of Medicine-Master or Amida Buddha. Therefore, we owe Śākyamuni Buddha a favor thicker than the earth, wider than the sky, and higher than heaven. That is why we, kings, his ministers and all the people, should respect the Buddha more than our parents and revere Him more than gods. Then the gods will protect us even if we are sinful, and the earth will not quake in rage.

Myōhō Bikuni Go-henji, A Reply to Nun Myōhō, Nyonin Gosho, Letters Addressed to Female Followers, Page 192-194