Single-Mindedly Chanted Without Any Concern for Their Own Lives

I have received your letter, which was posted on the 15th day of the 10th month at about 6 in the evening, on the 17th day about the same time at around 6 in the evening. When Jinshirō and other farmers living at Atsuwara who believed in the Lotus Sūtra were unreasonably imprisoned, I heard that they single-mindedly chanted “Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō” without any concern for their own lives. Indeed, this is not a trivial matter. I wonder if ten female rākṣasa demons possessed Hei no Kingo (Yoritsuna), who interrogated the farmers, and tested them to see if they were true practicers of the Lotus Sūtra. It is reminiscent of Indra transforming himself into a great ogre to test the will of Śākyamuni Buddha when the Buddha was searching for the dharma as the “Young Ascetic in the Himalayas” or as King Sivi. Or was it a devil who had gotten into Hei no Yoritsuna to persecute the practicers of the Lotus Sūtra? At any rate, this is the very time when Śākyamuni Buddha, the Buddha of Many Treasures, many Buddhas from all the worlds in the universe, the King of the Brahma Heaven, Indra and other divinities should keep their oath to protect the practicers of the Lotus Sūtra at the fifth cycle of five hundred years, which is at the beginning of the Latter Age of Degeneration.

Hendoku Iyaku Gosho, Letter On Changing Poison into Medicine, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 5, Page 202-203