Sickness Practice

Of the five practices of a Bodhisattva – saint practice, Brama practice, nature practice, child practice, and sickness practice – Sickness practice is to realize that we are spiritually ill without a life grounded on the fundamental truths taught in Buddhism. I should point out that this is not sin nor is it evil. This sickness we have is cured by Buddhist practice and it simply is living the most skillful life, which produces the least negative causes, thereby ensuring the good effects in our lives. The two, child practice and sickness practice, are practices of humility. If we realize that we do not know all the answers and are seekers ourselves and when we realize that because of taking the good medicine of the Dharma we have overcome sickness then when we are with others we will be of humble nature. Our practice does not make us superior; it is a gift we have been given and one, which we are eager to share so as to eliminate the sufferings of others.

Lecture on the Lotus Sutra