Shortening the Path

[In considering enlightenment in this body] Saichō … drew on the episode in the Lotus Sūtra of the eight-year-old nāga princess, who in the space of a moment changes into a male, completes the eight phases of a Buddha’s life, and manifests perfect enlightenment. In his writings, the realization of Buddhahood with this very body is linked not to esoteric practices, but to the power of the Lotus Sūtra. The nāga girl, Saichō points out, had a threefold hindrance: she was born into the animal realm as a nāga (a serpent or dragon), clearly the result of unfavorable karma; she was female and of poor faculties; and she was young and therefore had not been able to devote many years to religious practice. Nevertheless, through the wondrous power of the Lotus, she was able to attain Buddhahood. (Page 31-32)

Original Enlightenment and the Transformation of Medieval Japanese Buddhism