Saved From Hell Through the Help of the True Dharma

Referring to the Lotus Sūtra, it is stated in the Sūtra on the Great Extinction, “Suppose someone commits the sin of slandering the True Dharma. If this person repents, returns to the True Dharma and embraces it again, the sin of slandering the True Dharma will disappear. However, a return to the True Dharma must be made because no other sūtra except this True Dharma can absolve one from the sin of slandering the True Dharma.” Interpreting this, Grand Master Miao-lê states in his Annotations to the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sūtra, “The Nirvana Sūtra calls the Lotus Sūtra the supreme True Dharma,” and “Just as a person who fell on the earth will stand up again with the support of the earth, a person who slandered the True Dharma can be saved from hell through the help of the True Dharma.”

Ōta Nyūdō-dono Gohenji, A Reply to Lay Priest Lord Ōta, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 6, Followers I, Page 34-35