‘Revealing the Truth by the Absolute View’

“Revealing the truth by the absolute view” in the theoretical section of the Lotus Sūtra is completely different from the Perfect Teaching of the pre-Lotus sūtras. It is said in the tenth fascicle of the Commentary on the Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sūtra: “The Lotus Sūtra is completely different from other sūtras in expressing ‘Opening the provisional and revealing the truth’ and ‘Opening the Manifestation and revealing the Substance.’ In this sense the Lotus Sūtra is totally different from other sūtras.” The fourth fascicle on the Annotations on the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sūtra states that the Lotus Sūtra and other sūtras are the same if the wisdom of the Buddha is a characteristic of the Lotus Sūtra. The meaning of this commentary seems to be that only the Lotus Sūtra reveals the truth and merges all the provisional teachings though both the Lotus Sūtra and various pre-Lotus sūtras explain the wisdom of the Buddha. This is the excellent point of the absolute subtlety in the theoretical section of the Lotus Sūtra. It is clear that the various pre-Lotus sūtras are teachings by which nobody can attain Buddhahood. The reason is that the Perfect Teaching of the pre-Lotus sūtras does not contain the absolute subtlety by which people can attain Buddhahood in spite of the fact that three kinds of dharma (mind, the Buddha and people) should be respectively made “myō” (supreme teaching) by the two views of the absolute and relative subtleties.

Nijō Sabutsu Ji, Obtaining Buddhahood by the Two Vehicles, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Doctrine 3, Page 234