[In the sixth month of the 3rd year of the Kenji era (1277), Nichiren Shōnin wrote a letter of explanation in place of Inaba-bō Nichiei, a disciple of Nichiren, and submitted it to Nichiei’s father, Shimoyama Hyōgo Gorō Mitsumoto.]
Nichiren Shōnin had long been thinking that in order to repay the favors given by his country he should remonstrate with its rulers three times, and if they would still not heed his advice, he would seclude himself in the woods of a mountain. Following an old saying that it’s best to retreat if one’s remonstrations with a master is rejected three times, Nichiren Shōnin entered Mt. Minobu. Besides, when the rulers of a country will not listen to him, what is the use of preaching to the people below? It does not seem likely that the country will be saved or the people will be helped to attain Buddhahood.
Shimoyama Goshōsoku, The Shimoyama Letter, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Volume 5, Page 87