Category Archives: Promises

Myōhō Renge Kyō Promise for Jan. 2, 2025

“Medicine-King! Do you see the innumerable gods, dragon kings, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahoragas, men, and nonhuman beings, and [the four kinds of devotees:] bhikṣus, bhikṣunīs, upāsakās, and upāsikās, and those who are seeking Śrāvakahood or Pratyekabuddhahood or the enlightenment of the Buddha in this great multitude? If in my presence any of them rejoices, even on a moment’s thought, at hearing even a gāthā or a phrase of Myōhō Renge Kyō, I will assure him of his future Buddhahood, saying to him, ‘You will be able to attain Anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi.’ ”

Lotus Sutra, Chapter 10

About this project

Myōhō Renge Kyō Promise for Jan. 1, 2025

The ray of light of [Sun-Moon-]Light Buddha,
That is, the good omen, was the same as what I see now.
Judging from this, the present Buddha also will expound
Myōhō Renge Kyō.

The good omen I see now is like that of old.
This is an expedient employed by the Buddhas.
The present Buddha is also emitting a ray of light
In order to reveal the truth of the reality [of all things].

[Mañjuśrī said to the multitude:]

All of you, know this, join your hands together,
And wait with one mind!
The Buddha will send the rain of the Dharma
And satisfy those who seek enlightenment.

The Buddha will remove
Any doubt of those who seek
The teaching of the Three Vehicles.
No question will be left unresolved.

Lotus Sutra, Chapter 1

About this project

The Next 10 Years

Ryusho Jeffus Shonin inspired my efforts here back in 2015. In his book, “The Magic City: Studying the Lotus Sutra,” Ryusho relates the Parable of the Magic City” in Chapter 7 to our personal practice.

To reach the place of treasure requires traveling a dangerous, bad road five hundred yojanas long. As Ryusho explains: “Yojana is both a measurement of distance as well as time. Simply stated, a yojana is the distance an ox-cart can travel in one day.”

He asks his readers: “I wonder what you could accomplish in your life if you made a commitment from today for 500 days to practice on a regular consistent basis towards the achievement of some change in your life? Would you be able to travel the entire 500 days without giving up or abandoning or forgetting your goal and effort?”

But, really, 500 days is not long. Soon after I started this website, Ryusho suggested a 10-year timeframe would be more useful for judging the merits of the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

And here I am today, having completed ten years on this journey.

Now I start the next 10 years.

Back in 2022 during my 800 Years of Faith Project, I wrote:

Each time as I cycle through the 32 Days of the Lotus Sutra (which, of course, is actually 34 days with the addition the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings and the Contemplation of Universal Sage) I am struck by the promises offered to everyone. This is especially true in Chapter 2.

“Any Śrāvaka or Bodhisattva
Who hears even a gāthā
Of this sūtra which I am to expound
Will undoubtedly become a Buddha.”

I believe it is these promises that have made the Lotus Sutra so important in Asia and why it translates so well as it is introduced to new readers. How can we not have faith?

At the start of last year, I proposed creating a 365-day collection of those promises contained in the Lotus Sutra. Today I’ll start posting them. These will replace my reprinting of Shinkyo Warner Shonin’s Daily Dharma.

However, I have added a twist. I am replacing references to the Lotus Sutra, this Sutra, the Wonderful Dharma, etc. with Myōhō Renge Kyō.

For example the verse above from Chapter 2 becomes:

“Any Śrāvaka or Bodhisattva
Who hears even a gāthā
Of Myōhō Renge Kyō which I am to expound
Will undoubtedly become a Buddha.”

I am doing this throughout my daily practice.

Here’s the transformed Kaikyoge:

Verses for Opening Myōhō Renge Kyō

The most profound and wonderful teaching
is presented in Myōhō Renge Kyō.
Myōhō Renge Kyō is difficult to meet
Even once in thousands and millions of aeons.
Now we have been able to see,
hear, receive and keep Myōhō Renge Kyō.
May we understand the most excellent teaching of the Tathagata!
The most excellent teaching of Myōhō Renge Kyō is very difficult for us to understand.
We shall be able to approach enlightenment
when we see, hear, or touch Myōhō Renge Kyō.
Expounded is the Buddha’s truth.
Expounding is the Buddha’s essence.
The letters composing Myōhō Renge Kyō
are the Buddha’s manifestation.

Just as perfume is caught by something put nearby,
so shall we be richly benefited by Myōhō Renge Kyō,
even when we are not aware of being so benefited,
because infinite merits are accumulated in Myōhō Renge Kyō.

Anyone can expiate his past transgressions,
do good deeds,
and attain Buddhahood by the merits of Myōhō Renge Kyō.
It does not matter whether he is wise or not,
or whether he believes Myōhō Renge Kyō or rejects it.

Myōhō Renge Kyō is the most wonderful and
most excellent taught by the Buddhas
of the past, present, and future.
May we meet and receive it,
Birth after birth, world after world!

Why insert Myōhō Renge Kyō? For me, this emphasizes that the Odaimoku is the principal practice of Nichiren Buddhism. Studying of the Lotus Sutra and the other teachings of the Buddha are only spices flavoring the meal of the Daimoku.

In Shishin Gohon-shō, The Four Depths of Faith and Five Stages of Practice, Nichiren writes:

The five characters of Myō, Hō, Ren, Ge, and Kyō are not the text of the sūtra nor a mere explanation; rather, they are the sole intent of the whole sūtra. Beginners may practice this without knowing the heart (of the Lotus Sūtra), but their practice will naturally harmonize with its intention.

After 10 years of personally studying and exploring the teachings of the Buddha, I want to emphasize that Myōhō Renge Kyō remains my focus.

Next: Harvesting the promises of Myōhō Renge Kyō