Prayers for Rev. Ryusho Jeffus

With Rev. Ryusho Jeffus in hospital, Davie Byden-Oakes took over from England to offer a Sunday service.

Members of Rev. Ryusho Jeffus’ online Sangha gathered today to hold a service and offer prayers for Ryusho, who has been in hospital since Friday. Ryusho communicated with my wife to say his news from the doctors “was not good” and that he was receiving palliative care at the Syracuse VA Medical Center for extreme pain and difficulty breathing. Nothing has been heard since. Davie Byden-Oakes, who led Sunday’s service from England, said he had received a brief note from Ryusho saying he was in hospital and receiving palliative care.

Attendees of Myoshoji online service led by Davie Byden-Oakes in England