Very much enjoyed attending Rev. Shoda Kanai’s online Kaji Kito ceremony today. During this period of sheltering in place, I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to experience the Nichiren Buddhist Kannon Temple of Nevada in Las Vegas services.
Kaji Kito services are monthly events at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church and so I’m familiar with the ritual. Unlike Sacramento’s service, Rev. Shoda Kanai’s ceremony includes recitation by the congregation of a Prayer of Repentance. One of the values of such a prayer is its illustration of what is considered good and bad behavior. What should I be mindful of?
Prayer of Repentence
Repentance is the mysterious medicine which cures illness and the Secret Dharma to change one’s fate.
If we wish to cure terrible disease or transform evil karma, then we should repent our sins.
The law of cause and effect is strictly impartial and impossible to escape. Since even minute transgressions bring about dreadful effects, the great sins of being unfilial, unjust, unfair, unfaithful, unethical, turning one’s back on virtue and forgetting the debts of gratitude that we owe others who have shown us favor, will bring about even worse retribution. The accumulation of these sins becomes the cause for severe disease inviting misfortune and disaster.
Reflecting deeply upon this, I realize that I have perpetuated this behavior since the infinite past. I have become drunk with the wine of illusion which has consequently created unlimited and profoundly evil karma within my life.
For example:
I may have been a child who despised my parents,
A disciple who disgraced his master,
A subject who defied the sovereign,
A husband who oppressed his wife,
A wife who conquered her husband,
A mother-in-law who despised her daughter-in-law,
A daughter-in-law who opposed her mother-in-law,
Or a sibling who erected a wall of disharmony toward another.I may have shown spite for those who treated me favorably, schemed to take advantage of another’s misfortune, broke a promise, spoke ill of others, lied, spoke recklessly or deceitfully,
Or acted immorally, behaved violently, killed, or stole.
Or my feelings were so strong that I refused to get along or compromise with others,
With feelings so cold that I could not love another,
Or so profoundly vindictive that I bore grudges against others.
Or I may have been unjust and caused others to suffer,
With desires so strong that I had uncontrollable attachment to things.And I may have committed other various sins, offenses and transgressions which when accumulated, resulted in the manifestation of evil karma. This karma then became the very substance of my bones and flesh which beckoned miserable consequences. Not only did these evil actions give birth to terrible karma, but they set the stage for further commitment of other sins during this lifetime.
This phenomena is just like the person who wears black clothes and refuses to acknowledge the filthy grime around their own collar, or the person who wears white and is dreadfully terrified of even the slightest speck of dirt or impurity.
I must feel, however, profound joy for the one piece of great fortune that I possess. I have been able to encounter the Wonderful Dharma of Myoho-Renge-Kyo which is extremely difficult to encounter.
As I now kneel before the Eternal Buddha, sacred Lord of the Dharma Realm, I am grateful to have been endowed with the heart that is able to deeply repent in order to expiate my sins.
The Sutra states that the vast sea of evil karma is created from illusion to the truth. If I embrace the desire to repent my sins and sit erect in observance of the true aspects of life, I will see that the offenses of mankind are just as frost and dew which dissipate in the warm rays of the sun.
I sincerely repent my offenses, heartily praying that the ray of Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo that I chant and embrace, will shine its sacred light on the true aspects of my life.
I further pray that my evil karma which I myself have created since the infinite past be expiated, that I may quickly be saved from the suffering of illness, that my fixed evil karma be transformed and that I am granted the great benefit of peaceful existence throughout this lifetime.
This I sincerely pray, mindful of all that has been mentioned.
Now we agree to disagree on some of these. “A wife who conquered her husband?” If I raised this topic at home I’d get plenty of argument from my wife. And, of course, there are times, like the present, when it is every citizens’ duty to “defy the sovereign” and recognize institutionalized wrongs. Silence is complicity.
Keeping those anachronisms in mind, I’m going to include this prayer with my recitation of The Sutra of Contemplation of the Dharma Practice of Universal Sage Bodhisattva, which follows Day 32 in my 32 Days of the Lotus Sutra practice. Perhaps I’ll also include another Las Vegas innovation, the Reidan Daimoku Hand Gestures. I’m still unable to complete a full cycle without missteps.