Practicing in the Age of Mappo

Altar flowers for the Kaji Kito service Sept. 4, 2016
Altar flowers for the Kaji Kito service Sept. 4, 2016

Ven. Kenjo Irgarashi sermon discussed the importance of the Lotus Sutra in the period  of Mappo, the Later Age of Degeneration
Ven. Kenjo Irgarashi sermon discussed the importance of the Lotus Sutra in the period of Mappo, the Later Age of Degeneration

I keep telling myself: Self, ask the priest if his sermon can be recorded. And for some reason I never find the right opportunity. Instead I try to recap what I learned, knowing full well that at best I have only a partial understanding.

Following today’s Kaji Kito service, Ven. Kenjo Irgarashi discussed the importance the Lotus Sutra in this age of Mappo, the Latter Day of Degeneration in which we live today.

The characters on the left say, loosely, the Lotus Sutra benefits all sentient beings. And by all he means all. While the plan of salvation in other religions is designed solely for human beings, not for animals, in Nichiren Buddhism everyone benefits from contact with the Lotus Sutra including those pets who hear the Odaimoku. I have one cat who joins me each morning for gonyo. She’s definitely going to enjoy a better life next time around.

The characters on the right say, loosely again, the Lotus Sutra is the only salvation in the age of Mappo.

And, finally, the center characters retell Nichiren’s lesson that in the age of Mappo few will believe in the Lotus Sutra. As the Daily Dharma from Aug. 22, 2016, explained: “In this world of conflict, it can seem like very few people are practicing the Buddha Dharma with us. Nichiren compared those beings alive in this world of conflict to the amount of soil in the whole earth, while those who keep and practice the Lotus Sūtra are like the dirt under a fingernail.”

Rev. Igarashi reminded everyone that it is the rope of the Daimoku he discussed at the last service that we can use to rescue ourselves in this Age of Mappo.