Past Lives Of Śākyamuni Buddha

Medicine King Bodhisattva burnt his elbows as a light to be offered to Lotus Sūtra for 72,000 years. Whenever Never Despising Bodhisattva saw anyone, he always recited the 24-character verse: I respect you deeply. I will never despise you because you are destined to practice the way of the bodhisattva and become Buddhas.” For many years he was the object of abuse of numerous men and women, priests and nuns, who beat him with sticks and threw stones at him.

This Never Despising Bodhisattva is the current Śākyamuni Buddha. What is more, King Suzudan in the past was so eager to learn the teaching of the five written characters, Myō, Hō, Ren, Ge, and Kyō, that he enslaved himself to the hermit Asita for a thousand years until he became the current Śākyamuni Buddha.

Nichimyō Shōnin Gosho, A Letter to Nichimyō Shōnin, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin, Followers II, Volume 7, Page 138