Identical with the Middle Path

It is not Buddhistic to seek the original principle or to consider the absolute as separate or independent. Here the Tendai School at once comes back to the ideation theory but expresses it somewhat differently. It is set forth that a conscious-instant or a moment of thought has 3,000 worlds immanent in it. This is … Continue reading Identical with the Middle Path

Viewing Nichiren Through a Tendai Lens

When I first started publishing quotes from The Collected Teachings of the Tendai Lotus School by Gishin back in February, I mentioned that I was unclear on where Nichiren’s teachings diverge. I asked Rev. Ryuei McCormick about the difference between Tendai and Nichiren on the 3,000 realms in a single thought moment, and I published … Continue reading Viewing Nichiren Through a Tendai Lens

Nichiren’s Departure from Tendai and Chih-i

Back in February, I started publishing quotes from “The Collected Teachings of the Tendai Lotus School,” which was written by Gishin in 830 CE. Those quotes offer a very readable explanation of the Japanese Tendai teachings that Nichiren was immersed in as a young monk. But he did not accept those teachings wholly, making modifications … Continue reading Nichiren’s Departure from Tendai and Chih-i

Experiencing Your Namu and the Myoho Renge Kyo of Your Life

Miao-lé says: “Since ignorance and defilements are themselves identical with enlightenment, there is no origin of suffering to be eradicated. Since the two extreme views are the Middle Way and false views are the right view, there is no path to be cultivated. Since samsara is identical with Nirvana, there is no cessation to be … Continue reading Experiencing Your Namu and the Myoho Renge Kyo of Your Life

Ji No Ichinen Sanzen

QUESTION: What is the scriptural proof for the “3,000 existences contained in one thought” doctrine? ANSWER: I should say, there are two kinds. First, it is preached in the second chapter, “Expedients”: “Reality of all phenomena consists of their appearances, natures, bodies. … The Buddhas, the World Honored Ones, wish to open the gate to … Continue reading Ji No Ichinen Sanzen

Joining the Ceremony in the Air

In Nichiren Buddhism, whether using calligraphy on paper or statues [as an object of worship], we are not some disconnected observer. On the calligraphic mandala we are gazing up at the two Buddhas, Shakyamuni and Taho, seated on either side of the Odaimoku, which represents the great Stupa in the ceremony in the air. On … Continue reading Joining the Ceremony in the Air

800 Years: Those Who Believe in the Lotus Sūtra

QUESTION: If anyone associates with a false teacher, despite his faith in the Lotus Sūtra, he will fall into the three evil realms, won’t he? ANSWER: If anyone without comprehension of the Lotus Sūtra, meets with “evil friends” of expedient teachings and retreats from the true teaching, he will without fail fall into the three … Continue reading 800 Years: Those Who Believe in the Lotus Sūtra

800 Years: Faith in the Daimoku

The Lotus Sūtra preaches in chapter 2, “Expedients,” of the first fascicle that to have the opportunity to hear teachers of this sūtra is rare even during innumerable kalpa (aeons) of time. The sūtra also states in chapter 14, “Peaceful Practices,” of the fifth fascicle that it is difficult to hear even the title of … Continue reading 800 Years: Faith in the Daimoku

800 Years: The First Moment of Faith

An important lesson from the very start of Chapter 17 is that the benefits of the Lotus Sutra are deeply tied to our first moment of faith, not to our subsequent practice. The Buddha says in gāthās: “With these merits of concentration of his mind, He sought unsurpassed enlightenment, saying: ‘I will complete all these … Continue reading 800 Years: The First Moment of Faith

800 Years: Taking the Good Medicine

Not since the 1918 influenza pandemic has the entire population of the Earth been at peril, and yet when physicians of great skill created a vaccine that promised to significantly reduce the death toll of COVID-19, people refused to take the medicine. In the Lotus Sutra we have been left a medicine for the ills … Continue reading 800 Years: Taking the Good Medicine