Between Day 32 and Day 1 Traveling

I’m away from home, staying in a motel for eight days, but I’m keeping to my practice schedule, if somewhat abbreviated. Having completed Day 32 yesterday, today I’ve recited The Sutra of the Method for Contemplating the Bodhisattva Universal Sage. I’ve shifted from the BDK English Tripitaka translation of The Infinite Meanings Sutra, the Lotus … Continue reading Between Day 32 and Day 1 Traveling

Day 30

Day 30 covers all of Chapter 26, Dhāraṇīs Having last month considered Brave-In-Giving Bodhisattva’s offering, we consider Vaiśravaṇa Heavenly-King’s offering. Thereupon Vaiśravaṇa Heavenly-King, the Protector of the World, said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One! I also will utter dhārānis in order to protect this teacher of the Dharma out of my compassion towards all living … Continue reading Day 30

The Rays Of 1,000 Lights

When Śākyamuni Buddha was the Wheel-turning Noble King in his previous life, he treasured this eight-character verse: “One who is born is destined to die. Extinguishing the attachment to life calms the mind.” He offered 1,000 lights to the verse by pouring oil on his body and burning it. Moreover, having the verse written on … Continue reading The Rays Of 1,000 Lights

Day 13

Chapter 8: The Assurance of Future Buddhahood of the Five Hundred Disciples Thereupon Pūrṇa, the son of Maitrāyanī[1, 2, 3] having heard from the Buddha the Dharma expounded with expedients by the wisdom [of the Buddha] according to the capacities of all living beings, and having heard that [the Buddha] had assured the great disciples … Continue reading Day 13

Daily Dharma – July 3, 2018

If those of high rank reproach you, view them as formidable enemies of the Lotus Sutra. Consider the opportunity as rare as seeing an uḍumbara that blooms only once in 1000 years, or a blind turtle by chance encountering a log floating in the ocean, and respond with confidence. Even a person who possesses a … Continue reading Daily Dharma – July 3, 2018

Day 93 of 100

In order to see our own faces we have to look at them reflected upon a spotless mirror. Likewise, in order to see the rise and fall of a country, there is no way better than to see them reflected upon the mirror of the Buddhist dharma. As we respectfully read such Mahayana sūtras as … Continue reading Day 93 of 100

Day 43 of 100

I denounced the nembutsu, which people in Japan respect more than their parents and admire more highly than the sun and moon, as an act that causes people to fall into hell. I criticized Zen as the work of heavenly demons, and Shingon as an evil teaching destroying our country. I insisted Nembutsu, Zen and … Continue reading Day 43 of 100

Day 36 of 100

QUESTION: Why don’t you encourage people to contemplate the three thousand existences contained in one thought, instead of only advocating the chanting of the daimoku? ANSWER: The two characters in the name Japan bring together all 66 provinces, with all their people, animals, and wealth without a single exception. Likewise, don’t the two characters for … Continue reading Day 36 of 100

Day 31 of 100

Although Śubh̄karasimha was such a splendid person, he once experienced a sudden death. Upon regaining consciousness, however, he is said to have declared: Upon my death, a hell guard came to tie me with seven iron ropes, hit me hard with an iron stick, and dragged me to the palace of King Yama. Somehow I … Continue reading Day 31 of 100

Day 30 of 100

[T]he Lotus Sūtra is likened to the sun. The moon appearing at night with twinkling stars cannot put out the starlight although the moonlight is stronger. During the day, on the contrary, sunlight extinguishes not only starlight but also moonlight. Likewise, pre-Lotus sūtras are like the stars and the theoretical section of the Lotus Sūtra … Continue reading Day 30 of 100