Daily Dharma – Feb. 23, 2021

Even if one should read 80,000 holy scriptures, set up stupas as numerous as the number of dust-particles of the great earth, observe the Mahayana and Hinayana precepts, and love all the people in all the worlds throughout the universe just as one’s sole child, one cannot dissipate the sin of slandering the Lotus Sutra. … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Feb. 23, 2021

Day 31

Day 31 covers Chapter 27, King Wonderful-Adornment as the Previous Life of a Bodhisattva. Having last month considered what the two sons did to inspire their father to understand the Dharma by faith, we consider the family’s decision to go to Cloud-Thunderpeal-Star-King-Flower-Wisdom Buddha. “Thereupon the two sons descended from the sky, came to their mother, … Continue reading Day 31

Daily Dharma – Feb. 3, 2021

You have a grandson, Lord Jibu, who is a Buddhist priest. This priest is neither an upholder of precepts nor especially rich in wisdom. He neither observes even one of the 250 precepts nor maintains even one of the 3000 solemn rules of conduct. In wisdom he is like a horse or a cow while … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Feb. 3, 2021

The Merit of 10,000 Odaimoku

In cleaning up my desk, I found a photocopy of a translation of an article in the Nichiren Shu Shinbun No. 2373 published on Sept. 1, 2019. The article was written by Rev. Shincho Mochizuki, Ph.D., Professor, Minobusan University, and translated into English by Rev. Keiji Oshima. Here’s the text of the article without the … Continue reading The Merit of 10,000 Odaimoku

Between Day 32 and Day 1: Perspectives On The One Path

In reciting The Sutra of Contemplation of The Dharma Practice of Universal Sage Bodhisattva I was struck by a minor line early in the sutra: “Hear me clearly! Hear me clearly, and consider this well! In the past, on Mount Vulture Peak and at other places, the Tathāgata has already expounded the one genuine path … Continue reading Between Day 32 and Day 1: Perspectives On The One Path

Daily Dharma – Aug. 23, 2020

If those of high rank reproach you, view them as formidable enemies of the Lotus Sutra. Consider the opportunity as rare as seeing an uḍumbara that blooms only once in 1000 years, or a blind turtle by chance encountering a log floating in the ocean, and respond with confidence. Even a person who possesses a … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Aug. 23, 2020

Day 3

Day 3 covers the first half of Chapter 2, Expedients. Having last month learned of the inexplicable nature of the dharma in gāthās, we learn of the difficulty of understanding the Dharma. Even the Buddhas’ disciples who made offerings To the [past] Buddhas in their previous existence, [Even the disciples] who eliminated all asravas, [Even … Continue reading Day 3

2000 Days Later

On June 23, I passed the 2,000 day marker on this 500 Yojanas Journey to the Place of Treasures. It occurred to me while chanting this morning that a pictorial view of the evolution of my altar would be a nice way to mark the occasion. My blog post from the conclusion of the first … Continue reading 2000 Days Later

Day 13

Day 13 covers all of Chapter 8, The Assurance of Future Buddhahood of the Five Hundred Disciples. Having last month repeated the Buddha’s prediction for Pūrṇa in gāthās, we consider the Buddha’s prediction for the twelve hundred Arhats. Thereupon the twelve hundred Arhats, who had already obtained freedom of mind, thought: “We have never been … Continue reading Day 13

32 Marks of Physical Excellence

[A] Buddha … has 32 marks of physical excellence such as a “Brahma’s voice,” the top of His head which no one can see, a bump on top of His head, a curl of white hair that is always shining in the middle of His forehead, and dharma-cakra on the soles of His feet. It … Continue reading 32 Marks of Physical Excellence