Day 1

Day 1, Chapter 1, Introductory Day 1 follows Day 32 and as the Lotus Sutra begins again it brings with it a new idea about what’s happening when Śākyamuni emitted a ray of light that illumined 18,000 words in the east: The congregation saw from this world the living beings of the six regions of … Continue reading Day 1

Sunday Oeshiki Service in Sacramento

Attended the Oeshiki Service – the Memorial Service for Nichiren Shonin – held at the Sacramento Nichiren Buddhist Church. The entire altar was decorated with pink paper flowers to commemorate that when Nichiren died on October 13, 1282, at the Ikegami Munenaka residence in Ikegami (present-day Tokyo) there was an earthquake and the cherry trees … Continue reading Sunday Oeshiki Service in Sacramento

Sunday on the Internet

“Attended” Sunday services at Myoshoji Temple in North Carolina in the morning and in the afternoon joined a discussion led by Nichiren Order of North America Bishop Myokei Caine-Barrett in Houston.    

Daily Dharma – Jul. 29, 2015

To see a Buddha is as difficult As to see an udumbara[-flower]. To avert a misfortune is also difficult. These verses are sung by two sons of a king in a story told by the Buddha in Chapter Twenty-Seven of the Lotus Sūtra. In the story, the boys have heard the Dharma from a previous … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Jul. 29, 2015

Daily Dharma – Jul. 27, 2015

You have a grandson, Lord Jibu, who is a Buddhist priest. This priest is neither an upholder of precepts nor especially rich in wisdom. He neither observes even one of the 250 precepts nor maintains even one of the 3000 solemn rules of conduct. In wisdom he is like a horse or a cow while … Continue reading Daily Dharma – Jul. 27, 2015

Daily Dharma – May 2, 2015

When the sky is blue, the land is bright. In this way those who know the Lotus Sutra can see the reasons for occurrences in the world. For those who are incapable of understanding the truth of the “3000 existences contained in one thought,” Lord Śākyamuni Buddha with his great compassion, wraps this jewel with … Continue reading Daily Dharma – May 2, 2015